How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?I gaze out of the large glass doors of the Emergency Room waiting, just waiting for the arrival of my husband. The plane from Germany has landed-somewhere. Ft. Sam, Randolph, Lackland. I am sure they told me but it doesn’t really matter. I know there are…

More Than I Can Handle

More Than I Can HandleI have been told “God will not give you more than you can handle”; what exactly is that supposed to mean? More than I can handle before I go stark raving crazy? More than I can handle before I become a completely different person? More than…


T9/T10After a long, restless night, I went downstairs to spend a few minutes drinking my morning coffee and planning out my day. As I sat in the quiet living room, really alone for the first time since the Colonel called me, my chest started hurting. Then my heart started pounding…

VSI-Very Seriously Injured

“VSI-Very Seriously Injured” “Mrs. Guinn, do you have your passport ready?” asked the female voice on the telephone. “Your husband has now been classified as Very Seriously Injured (VSI) and we need you and your children to fly to Germany to be with him.” After the call from the Colonel,…

9 Years

Pre-Deployment Picture OIF 2/20039 YearsIt has been 9 years.9 years from the time I woke from a sound sleep on a beautiful Sunday morning to the harsh ringing of the telephone on my bedside table. 9 years since I answered the phone expecting to hear my husband’s voice and instead…