About Me

Bobbie Guinn



Do you feel like you’re drowning in despair no matter what you seem to do? Maybe even like none of your friends or family truly understand what you’re feeling? Well, I’ve been down that slippery slope more than I care to admit. I have managed to get myself out of that horrible place by using resources that I was presented because of my situation and push forward through the depression and anxiety that came with it as well.  I have faced adversity in my life, but instead of surrendering I have raised my head up and again caught a glimpse of the beauty and wonder this life has to offer-THAT my friends is what I want to share with you.





Bobbie’s Bio

I became a Caregiver March 6th, 2006 when my husband was severely injured while serving in the Army- Causing not only him and myself, but our two young children, to develop acute Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). Due to the severity of my husband’s injuries and my new role as a Caregiver, I had to adjust my career to suit my new life. I soon realized becoming an entrepreneur would allow for the freedom needed to be a Caregiver. In January of 2010, I graduated from the inaugural class of Entrepreneurial Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities-Families (EBV-F) at Syracuse University. In February of 2010, I became co-owner of Arpco Valves & Controls, a company that provides essential safety equipment for the oil and gas industry. Using my talents as a strategist, I lead my team in formulating and implementing the goals and visions necessary for a fast growing company. I am responsible for setting the strategy and direction of the company. Building and leading the Senior Management team. Modeling and setting the company culture. Over the last six years, Arpco has tripled in size and opened a second location. In August of 2015 I, along with my daughter Dustie Florey and Robbyn Stockton, opened Pinups & Bombshells Salon and my next venture, Hard Hat High Heels Consulting launched summer 2016. I firmly believe that work/life balance is of the utmost importance and strive to create a company culture that embraces this belief. As a woman who has struggled to make her way in a traditionally male dominated field, it is important to me to help mentor young women as they find their purpose in life-both personally and professionally. I let the PTSD rule my life for a long time before I was able to overcome it. The process is long and hard, however, it is so worth it in the end. Nowadays I talk too much, laugh too loud, and am very opinionated (which often gets me into trouble!), and I couldn’t be any happier.


The EBV National Program is a novel, one-of-a-kind initiative designed to leverage the skills, resources and infrastructure of higher education to offer cutting-edge, experiential training in entrepreneurship and small business management to post-9/11 veterans with service-connected disabilities and a passion for entrepreneurship as well as military family members who serve in a caregiver role to a veteran with a service-connected disability.

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